This is where counseling is done.
HIV carries a big burden for those who are infected and affected
Taking HIV medication is life long and therefore requires a lot of commitment into this program.
Providing trust between client and provider is key .The client is prepared before initiation so that he complies to care, support and treatment The client is educated on effectiveness of ARVS , drug side effects and how to manage so that he can take care of himself .
Wilbroder Mbwabi
Because this is a life long program, the client requires continuous counseling and psychological support . Assessment of social support and identification of a treatment supporter is crucial in the care of the client . Adherence counseling for those with high viral load to find possible causes, lay strategies on how to attain viral suppression .
Alongside with adherence counseling the following services are offered.
1. Paediatricts pychosocial counseling
2. Adolescent and youth counseling
3. Elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV.(EMTCT)
4. counselling for intention to achieve safe pregnancy, free from HIV.
5. Couple counseling and discordant relationships.
6. Disclosure and stigma reduction
NOTE; in counseling there is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel.